A2 Milk Research

A1 vs A2 Cows Milk: What’s the Difference, Benefits, & Nutrition

A1 and A2 are two types of proteins present in the milk. A1 milk is present in foreign cow breeds such as Holstein, Jersey. A2 milk protein is present in our Indian Desi cows.

A1 and A2 proteins affect the body differently.

When A1 protein is digested in the small intestine, it produces a peptide called beta-casomorphin-7 (BCM-7). The intestines absorb BCM-7, and it then passes into the blood. Doctors have linked BCM-7 to stomach discomfort and symptoms similar to those experienced by people with lactose intolerance. Research shows regular consumption of A1 milk increases the risk of five major diseases:

  • Type-I Diabetes
  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Arteriosclerosis
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
  • Neurological Impairment, including autistic and schizophrenic changes

Benefits of A2 Milk

  • Its composition is almost same as Human Mother’s milk.
  • It’s a Blessing for people who suffer from Milk Allergy.
  • It is the only milk having Vitamin D which is essential for the absorption of Calcium in our body.
  • Boosts Immunity
  • It is also highly rich in Calcium.
  • It helps in growth and development of Children’s Brain.
  • Rich source of Vitamin A, B2, B3 and B12.
  • It stimulates Digestion and aids Absorption of Fat Soluble Vitamins.
  • It is like a Nectar because it has Amino Acids which makes its protein easily digestible and is good for Kidneys.
  • It helps in reducing Acidity, a common problem today.
  • It helps in reducing chances of Diabetes, Heart Disease and Cancer.
  • It is one the best natural Anti-Oxidants.

 The structure of A2 protein is same as human breast milk.

For the health of your family and yourself, Drink A2 Milk.